Why Do Exercise Needs Vary Between Individuals?

Here we are going to discuss the most common question why do exercise needs vary between individuals? One of the best things that you can do for your body and in order to improve your health is to maintain a regular form of exercise. You have to remember that physical activity is one of the most important and crucial parts of leading a healthy lifestyle. 

Physical exercise has multiple health benefits for people of all ages, ethnicities, genders, and fitness levels. But you should remember one thing the need for exercise is not the same for every person. 

Here in this article, we are going to talk about some reasons why we say that exercise is very much needed in the modern lifestyle. Here we also going to talk about what type of exercise method and how much time you need to do exercise as per your age.

Why Do Exercise Needs Vary Between Individuals?

Here we are going to give you the answers to the question which is also the reason you are here in the first place so here is the answer to the question: why do exercise needs vary between individuals? There are many reasons why exercise needs vary between individuals and those reasons are: 

1) Goals For Fitness:

Not everyone on this planet has the same fitness goals and that means that exercise needs between individuals are going to vary. That is why fitness goals are really important when it comes to differences between people about exercise needs. 

For example, we can take two people one wants to lose weight and the other wants to run a marathon so obviously the exercise needs to be different for both people. You need to know this information if you want to know the answer to the question: why do exercise needs vary between individuals?

Where the first person might need weight training and moderate aerobic activity and the second person requires cardiovascular endurance and muscle exercise to strengthen the large muscle groups from the legs so that they can use the legs for long-distance running like a marathon. 

2) Fitness Levels: 

The fitness level is not the same for every person and that is why exercise needs are going to be different for them. You need to remember that different people have different types of requirements when it comes to physical exercise. 

For example, a person can be extremely fit and has any kind of athletic ability and that kind of capacity to perform and exercise difficult and intense physical exercise. But this is not going to be the case for a person who just started doing exercise and is new to the world of physical activities. 

That is also going to be the case for someone who has any kind of injuries from the past and needs to do more relaxed physical activities. You need to know this information if you want to know the answer to the question: why do exercise needs vary between individuals?

3) Other Factors: 

There are definitely other factors apart from the fitness goals and fitness levels. There are other factors like age, height, weight, and height. The health status of an individual is also important when it comes to adjusting exercise needs for people. 

For example, people with older age might need less intense activities compared to the younger ones. If someone has any kind of physical problem then they might need less exercise than the stronger one. 

What Is The Right Amount Of Excercise?

we have already told you the answer to the question that asked why do exercise needs vary between individuals? Now we are going to provide you a list where we mention how much exercise you need as per your age. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or CDC, the exercise need varies on age. Here is the list provided by the CDC: 

Children From 3-5 Years

When the children are so young they do not need any kind of physical exercise all they need is normal active playtime and easy activities that are also enjoyable and they can do this throughout the day. 

Children From 6-17 Years

When children reach a certain age then it is very important for them to do any kind of physical activity. There should be at least 60 minutes of normal to intense physical exercise program every day. The physical exercise program can have activities like swimming, running, soccer, etc. They can also have normal exercise like running, climbing, jumping, etc. 

Adults From 18-60 Years

If you want to know the answer to the question: why do exercise needs vary between individuals? Then you have to know this information. When people reach a certain age then they should take the exercise program very seriously. They should make a proper exercise program for their everyday activities. 

Every person who falls into this age group should have at least exercise for 150 good minutes every week. This exercise can be done for 5 days a week. In the week for two days, you at least have to exercise physical activities that strengthen your muscles. They can also have some exercise that promotes their balance. 


Here in this article, we gave you the answer to your question about why do exercise needs vary between individuals? And apart from giving you the answer to your question we also gave you a lot of other information about the exercise program. 

Here we gave you all the needed information about this topic and to wrap it up you can say that we all definitely need an ideal exercise program for our everyday lifestyle. . 

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